A Shampoo Story

The craziest thing! I could I have forgotten to share this story?


Herbal Shampoo for Itchy Dog SkinSo there I was, just about to start my 2nd cycle of chemo. As I'd been warned, my scalp would begin to get itchy and sore about a week or so before it would decide to fall out. Sure enough, it did get really, REALLY itchy. Almost unbearable. I hopped into the shower, and to my horror, I couldn't find my favorite Bumble & Bumble Tonic shampoo, the only tea tree oil-based shampoo that has ever soothed my scalp when it?s been sore before (typically from wearing my hair in a too-tight ponytail). None of my other shampoos are intended for that purpose, which left me emptyhanded and desperate. As I stood there, somehow, out of the blue, it occurred to me to try my dogs? shampoo ? Opie & Dixie?s Herbal Shampoo! Why had I not thought of this before? For crying out loud, that?s what it IS ? that?s what it DOES ? it?s specially formulated to target dermatitis, dandruff and itchy, flakey skin! I reached over and grabbed it out of ?The Girls? Bath Bucket? (yes, that?s what it?s called), foamed away, and ahhh... what a relief, and what a soothing, refreshing scent to boot! Well, let me tell you, as I dried my li'l head, I stood there grinning. NO MORE ITCHY SCALP! Who would've guessed?